Hi, I'm Anna-Karina. PR and Creative Communications.
Anna-Karina is a Junior Account Executive at Hunt & Gather, a small agency, with a passion for bringing creative campaigns and communications to life. With a background in writing, she has experience spanning press office, influencers, copywriting, content collaboration, social media, events, activations, and partnerships for a number of clients and projects.
Aside from work, Anna-Karina is a recent graduate from the University of Leeds, and her personal passions include fashion, sustainability, and culture. When not at her desk, you can often find her in a cute cafe or exploring London's exhibitions.
To find out more about some of her past projects and campaigns, click the link below to find Anna-Karina on The Dots.
Not what you're looking for? Click the button to see my writing portfolio.
Interested in collaborating, have a question, or want to find out more? Get in touch and connect via the options below!